Monday, February 17, 2025

Saving up to 95% on your printing costs with CISS

By on 19 septembrie 2011 1 1559 Views

Can you save up to 95 % in your printing costs ? Is that really possible, or this is just an exaggerated commercial?  The answer is YES, you can ! Thanks to the new technology named CISS. CISS comes from continuous ink supply system, which  fills a special type of ink cartridge  through a capillary system connected to external reservoirs. The best news is that the ink cartridge does not dry and you don’t have to replace it.

I use a continuous ink supply system at home and in office. As I work in tourism, there are a lot of thinks to be printed for our guest, brochures, invitations, card tables, comment cards etc.  The big advantage is that printing black & white or color has the same cost, so the materials really look better colorful.

You can get a printer with CISS system preinstalled, or, if you already have a printer, you can get the ink system separately. Printing was never as accessible as now with this new, innovative system.

So, if you want to :

– save up to 95% on your printing

– print more color materials

– maintain the quality of your printed materials

– avoid specific refill problems ( leaks, malfunctions)

Then a ciss printer is your answer !


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Vrei o bicicleta ?

26 septembrie 2011 3
1 Comment
  • Anamaria 13 ani ago

    Asa de bune sunt imprimantele astea k le faci reclama si in limbi straine 😀

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